About Us
Whatcom Family Y, we are committed to providing youth of all skill levels with exceptional sports programs. Our aim is to nurture a lifelong love for the game and keep children fully engaged by prioritizing the FUN aspect of sports while simultaneously challenging them to acquire new skills. We firmly believe that sports serve as a valuable tool for developing core values and building character.
Our Goals:
- Provide access to affordable quality sports programs for our community
- Work to keep kids HAVING FUN while progressively teaching sports skills in a non competitive environment
- Promote sports as a tool to develop life skills and character
- Continue working to decrease burnout in sports
Program Structures | The consistency and flexibility working families can rely on!
Clinics: Our clinics (or skill builders) are a short term commitment for working families looking to have their child try out a new sport or to increase their kids skill before enrolling in our leagues. When you sign up for a clinic session your child will receive four 45 min classes coached by our YMCA coaches. These could be offered two days a week for 2 weeks or one day a week for 4 weeks.
Leagues: Our 6 week leagues offer kids a chance to play games and practice on a real team. League teams get one practice and one scheduled game a week for 45 min. All our teams are coached by volunteer coaches. Each week teams are focused on learning a different core value: Respect & Caring, Perseverance, Responsibility, Teamwork, Honesty, Sportsmanship. We offer flexible practice and game options to work around families schedules. To register go to your desired sports page and click on the practice time that works best for you.
Interested in getting involved in the community or a sport you loved from the past? Is it your dream to coach a sport but you never have known where to start?
Email dparine@whatcomymca.org to get involved and start your coaching journey today!