The Y is a great place to be part of a community that is dedicated to helping you learn, explore new activities, and make friends at any stage in your life. With a shared commitment to nurturing the potential of children, improving health and well-being, supporting our neighbors, and giving back, your membership will not just bring about meaningful change in yourself, but also in your community. We are also participants in "Nationwide Membership" where you can use your membership at any participating YMCA's in the United States.

Membership Rates



Interested in signing your child up for a running program or childcare? How about a session of Yoga for yourself? You've come to the right place. Use the form below to browse programs and to register online.

If you are new to our online registration system, please make sure you have reviewed our FAQs and Online Account Management before you begin registering for programs.

Please note that not all programs are available for online registration.

Once you register for membership online, there are a few more steps to complete your membership:

  1. Visit any YMCA Welcome Desk to finalize your account.  Bring photo ID for anyone 16 years and older.
  2. You will be asked to complete a membership form.
  3. We will take your picture for our check-in system.
  4. You will receive a membership key tag to use each time you enter the facility. Your key tag can also be entered into our mobile app to check-in with your phone. To learn more about our mobile app, click here.
  5. If you would like a tour of our facility, we can provide one. Program information and schedules are available online or paper copies provided upon request.  
  6. If you have any problems with registration Contact Us.


*Can't see the form? If you're using Safari, please make sure your browser settings are set to Always Allow Cookies or switch to another device or browser (Chrome or Firefox, preferably) to complete your program registration.


Financial Assistance

Anyone is eligible to apply for Financial Assistance. We have TWO different financial assistance applications: 

  1. General Membership and YMCA Programs
  2. Early Learning, Before & After School Enrichment (B.A.S.E.) and Camps