When you volunteer at the Y, you provide leadership and talent vital to empowering people and communities to learn, grow and thrive. See the ways to volunteer below.
When you volunteer at the Y, you provide leadership and talent vital to empowering people and communities to learn, grow and thrive. See the ways to volunteer below.
When you volunteer at the Y, you take an active role in bringing about meaningful change in your community. The generosity of others is at the core of our existence.
With a focus on youth development, healthy living and social responsibility, Y volunteers give men, women and children of all ages and from all walks of life the resources and support they need to be healthy, confident, connected and secure.
The Y is a nonprofit like no other. Take an active role in strengthening your community.
We are looking for coaches for all sports seasons including: Basketball, T-ball/Baseball, Summer Sports Camps, Soccer, and Volleyball.
And you DON'T have to be a baseball pro to coach a team.
2-3 coaches will be matched up with a team of 8-10 kids in one of our following leagues: 4-5yrs, 6-7yrs, or 8-11yrs. Practices are full of fun games, cooperation and goal setting.
Our coaches will receive all the tools and support they need to lead interactive and easy-to-follow lessons with your co-coaches. Don't miss out on the chance to reconnect with the sports you loved growing up or learn to play for the first time along with your kids!
You do not need to be an elite runner or an experienced coach. Our running programs are looking for dynamic role models, dedicated to empowering kids to become healthy and confident.
Teams of volunteer coaches facilitate our easy to follow curriculum with groups of 8-15 kids. At the end of the season, teams from all over Whatcom County come together for a celebratory 5K run. You rarely see so much pride, joy and so many smiling faces in one place - it is not to be missed!
Every YMCA volunteer is an integral part of the team. Together we will raise fund to help strengthen our community.
Do you have a musical talent? Do you enjoy reading to children? There are so many ways to volunteer at the YMCA. We offer opportunities in several program areas to share your time, talent and skills.