Our virtual webpage is currently unavailable. We apologize for this inconvenience.

If you want access to live, virtual classes, please email Karrie Inman, kinman@whatcomymca.org

If you are looking for our recorded virtual classes, you can access them on our Youtube page

How do I access?

Your keytag is the way in! Just type in the 6 digits on your keytag into the sign-in section below to begin your journey toward health and fitness.

If you don't have your keytag, please contact Melissa Stratman, mstratman@whatcomymca.org or call the Welcome Desk, 360-733-8630.


Members please use your keytag #.

Keytag Barcode

Please contact Krissy Norton if you experience any challenges with Virtual YMCA, knorton@whatcomymca.org