Safe Summer at Girls on the Run

Just Keep Running, Just Keep Running . . .
Girls and their parents were unanimous in their opinion that Summer Girls on the Run was a safe, smashing success! Mask wearing didn’t slow those girls down one bit. Following Washington State Safe Start guidelines, we had four small teams meeting in local parks. Girls and coaches discussed important topics such as Positive Self Talk, Stopping the Chain of Gossip, and how to choose friends that lift you up instead of tear you down. We played all kinds of games, even ones that left us sopping wet and belly-laughing. The social time during our trail run/walks was not only good for fostering strong bodies, but great for their lonely souls during this time of pandemic isolation.
In the words of one parent, “I can’t say enough how important GOTR summer program was for my daughter and my family. I was so happy to see (her) excited about being active and able to run with her group and coaches. Thank you so much for making my daughter’s summer exciting despite the situation we are going through with this pandemic.”
This fall we can’t wait to reach more girls on teams at local parks and give them a chance to wiggle after long days of online learning and connect with other humans in-person! The season starts the week of September 14th and runs through the first week in November with countless laughs and plenty of trail exploration.