Empowering Youth & Families for Lifelong Wellness!


According to The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), “Play is brain building, a central part of healthy child development, a key to executive function skills, and a buffer against the negative impacts of stress. Play builds the bond between parent and child.

Fun family fitness activities do not have to be strenuous to have healthy benefits.  Easy to play active games that do not require a lot of equipment (if any) are great ways for your family to have fun while getting beneficial physical activity.  Not only does family fitness time allow families a chance to bond, the physical activity can help youth build self-confidence and self esteem, improve social and emotional skills, build strong bones, improve sleep and manage stress.

Some things to keep in mind when planning family fitness time are

  1. focus on fun by choosing activities that everyone enjoys
  2. encourage new activities by asking family for input on different things to try
  3. lead by example by letting your family see you make physical activity a fun priority for yourself